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(1) بسملة، و على سيدنا محمد وافر الصلوات و اكمل التسليم و على اله و صحبه اجمعين، (2) امر مولانا المقام الشريف الاعظم و الخاقان المنيف المعظم و السلطان الاعدل الافخم الاكرم، (3) الملتجىء الى ظل عرش الله الاورف مولانا السلطان المالك الملك الاشرف ابو النصر قايتباى، (4) سلطان الاسلام و المسلمين ناشر الوية العدل فى العالمين خادم حرمى الله ورسوله بلغه الله تعالي، (5) غاية سوله و نهاية ماموله وادار بسعوده الافلاك الدائرة و جمع له بين خيرى الدنيا و الاخرة، (6) بانشاء هذه الوكالة المباركة السعيدة و ما بباطنها و ظاهرها و اعلاها من المساكن العديدة،(8-7) وقفا شرعيا صحيحا و حبسا مرعيا صريحا مقصودا به العمل الصالح (الذى لا انقطاع له و لا انبثاث كما اشار اليه الحديث فى عدم انقطاع الثلاث مصروفا ريعه فى احسن القربات و اولى) انواع البر، (9) و المثوبات و هو اطعام الطعام لجيران النبى عليه الصلوة و السلام من الخبز و الدشيشة، (10) و التوسعة فى العيشة القاطنين فى ذلك الحرم الشريف و الواردين الي ذلك المحل المنيف بحيث لا يصد عنه احد من الفقراء، {(11) والمساكين والايتام والارامل والمنقطعين جاريا ذالك عليهم ابد الابدين ودهر الداهرين حتي يرث الله الارض} ومن عليها ، (12) وهو خير الوارثين تقبل الله ذلك منه قبولا جميلا واثابه { عليه ثوابا جزيلا بمحمد واله وصحبه وسلم } لحبى رسول الله عمرت ما ترى وانفقت فيه كل ما طاب كسبه واجريته برا لجيران قبره على روحه صلى وسلم ربه وارجو فى يوم القيامة شافعا اذا اشتدت بالعبد المقصر كربه فكن منجدى يا سيد الخلق اننى بحبك ممن قد تعلق قلبه ويا رب فاقبل قربتى واجعلننى فتى حبه يوم القيامة قربه

(1) Basmala, blessings upon our lord Muhammad, whose prayers are abundant and on all his family and companions. (2) Our lord, his great majesty, the generous and venerated monarch, the sultan, the most just, the most magnificent and the most noble, (3) who takes refuge in the protection of the extended throne of God, our master the sultan, the sovereign al-Malik al-Ashraf Abu'l-Nasr Qaitbay, (4) sultan of Islam and the Muslims, the one who displays the standards of justice in the worlds, the servant of the two holy sanctuaries of God and His prophet, may God Most High (5) let him attain his demands and desires, make the celestial spheres orbit in his prosperity and accumulate for him the best of this life and the next, (6) has ordered the construction of this blessed and fortunate wakala with its interior, exterior and upper dependencies consisting of numerous dwellings, (7-8) as a legitimate and a correct waqf and an imprescriptible and unequivocal foundation as a pious work {to last eternally in accordance with the hadith that indicates the eternal worth of three things. Its revenues will be consecrated} to the best works and those most worthy of divine recompense, (9) namely the provision of upkeep for charges of the Prophet, upon him be blessings and peace, by distribution of bread and porridge, (10) and to provide liberally for the inhabitants of the noble sanctuary and for visitors to the holy town (of Medina), so as not to refuse any poor, {(11) indigent, orphan, widow or distressed traveller. These gifts are made to them for all time and for all centuries until God inherits the world} and its inhabitants because (12) "He is the best heir." May God accept favourably this work from him and reward him profusely, {through the intercession of Muhammad, his family and companions}. For my love of the Prophet I have constructed what you see And spent on it all of the well-earned profit. I did it as a good deed for the neighbours of his grave For the sake of his soul, may God's prayers and peace be upon him. I wish Him to be forgiving on the last day If the unfulfilling worshipper faces a misfortune Be my saviour, O Lord of all creatures. For I to Your love am one whose heart is clinging O Lord, accept my closeness to You and make me One whose love on judgment day gets him close to You.